Dec 16, 2021Our New Year’s holiday
Ikenobo Headquarters, Ikenobo Society of Floral Art and Nihon-kadosha will be closed for the New Year’s holiday as follow:
29th December 2021 (Wed.) – 4th January 2022 (Tue.)
- * 5th January 2022 is the New Year Hatsuike Ceremony. We will start our regular duties from 6th January 2022.
- * The open hour of Rokkakudo Temple (Chohoji Temple) is as usual.
- * The shop of Nihon-kadosha will open from 4th January 2022. (9:00 am – 17:00 pm)
All the inquires sent by emails or other request forms during the holiday will be replied after 6th January 2022. We ask for your kind understanding. Thank you.